North Korea 2007 Butterflies 4v
North Korea 2007 Fish 4v
North Korea 2007 Mammals 8v MS
North Korea 2008 Fish SS + SS(imperforated)
North Korea 2008 Parrots 4v
North Korea 2009 Birds 4v
North Korea 2009 Fish 4v + 4v(imperforated)
North Korea 2009 Fish booklet,imperforated
North Korea 2009 Insects 4v
North Korea 2009 Zoo Birds 4v + booklet
North Korea 2010 Animals 4v + 4v(imperforated)
North Korea 2010 Animals booklet
North Korea 2010 Animals in art objects 4v
North Korea 2010 Birdpex 3v
North Korea 2010 Year of the tiger 2v
North Korea 2010 Year of the tiger booklet + imperforated